Bintan Getaway: A night at the Resort


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  • Published on: 08-Oct-2015
  • Posted by: @lm!ng

Bintan Getaway: A night at the Resort

Travel Date:

Saturday, 3rd October 2015

After the relaxing massage, time to hit the road again and travel for an hour before we will reach the resort. In a 7-seater car, we enjoyed the site seeing, and it was like traveling in the province from a crowded town to a more serene area where there are more trees, valleys, and rivers. On the road, I can't help but noticed abandoned residential houses and some burnt farms. It doesn't look like unintentional. Maybe burning lands to remove those unwanted trees or grass is their normal way to start off the planting quickly. I think we're already half-way, but I felt tired and sleepy. The next thing I know, we entered into a gate and saw the sign "Bintan Agro Beach Resort & Spa."

Day 1: Bintan Getaway
As we entered the gate of the resort
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
In front of the resort lobby

We alighted at the resort lobby, I directly proceeded to the reception counter to check-in and get our room keys. The receptionist advised me that we have two superior rooms reserved (maximum occupancy of 3) at the Sea Gull building. She handed me over some vouchers for our dinner, breakfast, welcome drink and for our resort activities like the 30-minute bicycle riding, 30-minute billiards, and 30-minute kayak ride. Our room numbers were #5206 and #5203 and just take note, it was not on the fifth floor, but both of the rooms were on the second floor. First thing I noticed, we used the traditional keys to open our room door and was quite tricky to close and open. Upon entering the first thing, I saw was the window and the door and thought could be the door leading to the balcony. I immediately scanned the room, first I went to open the curtains from the window and checked if a nice view is waiting for me. Unfortunately, what I can see is the building construction in front of us which covers the sea view. Then I inspected the bathroom if they got the basic facilities. They got a shower (no bathtub), saw bath kits like shampoo, conditioner, soap and shower cap, dental kit (toothbrush, toothpaste), grooming kit and two clean glasses. As for the towels, I didn't find any hand towels, and there were two bath towels provided. I wonder what the towel's original color was. The room was furnished with TV with selected channels, a personal ref, two complimentary bottled water, coffee set that includes water heater and the sachet of coffee, milk, tea, and sugar. A cabinet with a couple of hangers, laundry bag, and two sets of room slippers. Seemed like they provided the basic amenities, the room was clean and functional except for the one pillow per guest, and the plug points were not an international adapter.  Overall, it was a decent room.

Day 1: Bintan Getaway
#5206 bedroom
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
View from our room balcony (left)
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
View from our room balcony (left)
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
#5206 superior room at Sea Gull
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Room flyers and info
Day 1: Bintan Getaway

An hour later, we claimed our welcome drinks at Asiana Restaurant, which is overlooking the sea, with pool for adults and kids. I like the drink tasted like a mixture of sugar cane and honeydew, and it was refreshing.

Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Asiana Cafe
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Interior of the cafe
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Our welcome drink
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
View from Asiana cafe
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Pool across the cafe
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
View from Asiana cafe

We strolled along the sea shore and took as many pictures before sunset. Then we headed our way to Sun Moon Restaurant for our Indonesian set dinner.

Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Along the shore
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Empty beach chairs
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Building with green roof is the Sun Moon restaurant
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Shoreline view

Our dinner set was a slice of mooncake, seafood soup, grilled chicken and kang kong. Drinks are not included again. Feeling unsatisfied, we ordered additional two dishes: calamari and grilled prawns. Since we ordered for more food, they gave us another mooncake that is no longer appetizing because we've been eating moon cake lately at home. As for our dessert, we tried the grilled or fried banana topped with cheese and chocolate sauce. Thought it was something distinctive but when we tasted it was like "ginanggang na saging and maruya" with some toppings.

Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Fountain in Sun Moon restaurant
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Mooncake for appetizer?
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Seafood soup
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Want some rice? Or want more dish?

With our tummies full, we all wanted to have some activities while the night is young. We asked one of the waiters if we can go for karaoke, but he said we have to wait for other guests before we can start. We could no longer wait so headed back to the resort lobby. We passed the open room for spa.

Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Smile ladies!

A few meters is the resort's convenience store/souvenir shop. We went in to buy bottled drinking water and at the same time we checked out some goodies and souvenirs.


Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Wooden Tricycle
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Kapal Dalam Botol (ship in a bottle)
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Closer view of the ship in a bottle
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Native American Indian chief mask
Day 1: Bintan Getaway
Wooden batik of Krebet

At the resort lobby, my cousin informed the receptionist that we would gonna used up our 30-minute billiard. Honestly, I don't know how to play it. Most of the time, I didn't hit the ball until I found the right grip on the pool stick. Finally, I hit the ball and successfully pocketed it. At 9:30 pm we went for a night swimming at their pool. No one was using the pool when we were there, so it was pretty cool to know that it was sort of exclusive for our group. I think we all enjoyed dipping their 4-feet deep pool before hitting the bed. Back to our room to rest and prayed God to give thanks for the wonderful day and for keeping us safe. Check out our activities in our Day 2: Bintan Getaway

Day 2: Bintan Getaway
30-minute billiard


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