The Holland Kiddos


  • Published on: 21-May-2014
  • Posted by: @lm!ng

The Holland Kiddos

Travel Date:

Wednesday, 21st May 2014

We're very happy to meet the handsome Holland kiddos with their lovely Mommy Lucille (my hobbies very good friend from University days). I've finally met Kuya Louis and baby Nino. Lucky me, baby Nino did not cry when I tried to steal him from her Mom.

Mommy Lucille was very kind enough to travel from home to Moevenpick Hotel just to meet us even in a short notice. A quick reunion for the Bukiron Compound friends, but it was warm and sweet!

Thank you Mommy Lucille, Arjen and the kiddos for the effort, time and for the pasalubongs. We appreciated everything you did for us.

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