DIY Ideas

Arts and Crafts

‘Flow’ Follows a Courageous Black Cat Navigating a World Suddenly Plunged Underwater

When a brave black cat’s world is turned upside down after a massive flood, everything feels uncertain. Fortunately, when the feline teams up with a capybara, a lemur, a bird, and a dog navigating a boat in search of dry land, the eclectic group relies on their unlikely friendships and a mix of courage, trust, and wits to survive in their newly aquatic world...
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Through Monumental Installations of Soap and Stones, Jesse Krimes Interrogates the Prison System

Around 2009, Jesse Krimes was sent to solitary confinement while awaiting trial for a drug charge. He had recently graduated from Millersville University of Pennsylvania with an art degree and spent his first year inside Fairton Federal Correctional Institution making. “The one thing they could not take away or control was my ability to create,” he says...
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