
Green Leafy: Sweet Potato Salad




Green Leafy: Sweet Potato Salad


  • 2 packs sweet potato leaves, remove the stems
  • 1 medium sized yellow green tomato (almost ripe), cut into small pieces
  • 1 medium sized ginger, cut into small strips or small cubes
  • 1 medium size green mango, cut into small strips (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar (you may use lime (kalamnsi) extract)
  • 2 teaspoons anchovies sauce

Cookbook Lingo

     Lard or Larding

To lard is the process of drawing through poultry and meat thin strips of salt pork or bacon. It is done with a larding needle and the object is to add fat and succulence to the meat or fish and to overcome any possible dryness.

Source: tipnut.com


  1. In a pot, boil 2 cups of water
  2. Add the potato leaves, make sure all the leaves are submerged to boiling water
  3. Cook for 2 minutes then remove the leaves.
  4. Drain the excess liquid then set-aside
  5. In a bowl, put the sliced tomato and ginger
  6. Add the vinegar and anchovies sauce then mix
  7. Add the leaves to the bowl then mix
  8. Serve the salad

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