The Louvre


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 | Series: european spotlight, france

  • Published on: 29-May-2014
  • Posted by: @lm!ng

The Louvre

Travel Date:

Friday, 30th May 2014

A must see and do when you're in Paris is to visit the Louve museum. I've never seen or visited a museum as huge as this. I've heard that it would take almost 2 weeks to explore the entire place if you want to see the 35,000 art pieces on display in an area with 652,300 square feet. That's huge!

Did you know that the Musée du Louvre is the world's most visited museum?

The museum is situated at the right of the Seine river bank and the building was used to a palace of King Philip || during the 12th century. We were accompanied by a  female local guide and presented to us the highlights or significant works of art. Since we already had reservations, it was quite efficient, and no need to line up in a long queue. We entered via the Passage Richelieu.

First, we went to Ground Floor where we saw the sculpture of Aphrodite, known as the "Venus de Milo" and the collection of Michaelangelo such as the Captive (The Dying Slave).

Then she guided us through the second floor, where we found the Italian paintings dated from 13th - 17th centuries. To name a few are: The consecration of the Emperor Napoleon I by J.L David, The Wedding Feast at Cana by Veronese, Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. On the same floor, we also witnessed the large French paintings in the 19th century.

On way out, we also visited the empty medieval moat found on the ground level of the museum.

For more information, you may refer to this link for Louvre Plan/Information sheet.


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