Neuschwanstein Castle


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Neuschwanstein Castle

Travel Date:

Saturday, 24th May 2014

One highlight of our trip from Germany to Austria was to see the Neuschwanstein Castle known as Germany's fairytale castle. On our way to Hohenschwangau to take our lunch, the castle is already seen along the way. It was not up close, but it was one of the best views of the castle from afar.

Did you know that Walt Disney's design inspiration of the Sleeping Beauty's palace was taken from this castle?

Neuschwanstein Castle is a 19th-century palace served as retreat house of King Ludwig II and to pay homage to his rumored lover Richard Wagner (a famous German composer/director). The castle sits on a rocky hill above the Hohenschwangau village in Southern Bavaria. This challenging project was financed by King Ludwig himself out of his pocket and through borrowing huge amount of money.

Hopefully to see this castle up close in our future trips soon.

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